Saturday, July 5, 2008

SpringSource Application server

SpringSource announced a new application server that it claims will "liberate" Java users from "antiquated legacy Java technologies."
SpringSource Application Platform is a completely module-based Java application server that is designed to run enterprise Java applications and Spring-powered applications with a new degree of flexibility and reliability. The SpringSource Application Platform is based on the new SpringSource Dynamic Module Kernel™ (dm-Kernel). The dm-Kernel provides a module-based backbone for the server, which also harnesses the power of Spring, Apache Tomcat and OSGi-based technologies.
The product is now in beta at SpringSource's Web site.

Production Benefits
* Real time application and server updates
* Better resource utilization
* Side by side resource versioning
* Longer server uptime
* Run new and old web applications

Development Benefits
* Faster iterative development
* Small server footprint
* More manageable applications
* Greater code reuse


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